Tammy Demery -
Senior Vice President,
Enterprise Sales & Diversity
Diverse professional background with successful relationship management & business development experience for leading corporations including American Express. Tammy spent several years with Capital One & First National Bank of Omaha. While at Capital One, she was responsible for TX and OK. She built a new Home Improvement Finance division within Point of Sale Solutions.
Tammy has a degree from Texas A&M, Siebel Sales, Lean Six Sigma, Consultative Selling, SMU leadership, B2B and marketing training. Additionally, she has non-profit and community relations experience. Tammy is especially proud to have served on the national diversity committee with current CEO of American Express Stephen Squeri. She also became the second female Chairperson in the Dallas Black Chamber’s 80 year history during 2006. Ms. Demery re-energized the executive team and committees with her strong organizational skills and leadership style. At her acceptance speech, Ms. Demery stated “I am keenly aware of the history of significance and impact the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce has had over the past 80 years and am honored and challenged to continue the great tradition of Constructive Leadership